Friday, February 11, 2011

"Let's Go to the Movies" - Breaking Away / Hoosiers

I think you can probably tell from my choices where I grew up - Indiana. These two movies always remind me of home. Breaking Away is a story about four young boys from Bloomington, IN who don't fit in with the college students who attend Indiana University. They are the townies or most specifically "cutters" since their dads were cutters of the limestone. Once boy in particular, Dave, really wants to fit in and loves to ride bikes. Due to some scuffles with the college kids it is decided the "cutters" will participate in the "Little 500" a race which only the students rode in before this decision. It is a great movie about growing up, facing the challenges life throws you, deciding what you want to do, and making your dreams come true. It also showcased the beautiful campus of IU which is where I started my undergraduate work. (See trailer below)

Hoosiers is about the most sacred thing in all of Indiana - basketball! Ask anyone about March Madness and you will get an earful. This is also a movie my husband and I enjoy watching together. It is nice to see a small school in Indiana face all of the bigger schools and win the state championship. This is based on a true story and I love the message again about following your dreams no matter what life throws at you. This too was filmed in Indiana as well. (see trailer below)

As you can see, these movies are special to me for many reasons but overall I think it is the feeling of home I get when I watch them which keeps me viewing them. While I may be a Buckeye since I have lived in Ohio for over 21 years, I will always be a Hoosier at heart dreaming of my Indiana home as the song says.

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