In Lambert, we learned about newer styles or assumptions on leading
• Everyone has the right, responsibility, and capability to be a leader
o This is empowering to people when they believe they have what it takes to be a leader. We need leaders for various things and this is our right and responsibility to be able to provide this.
• The adult learning environment in the school and district is the most critical factor in evoking acts of leadership
o Not necessarily true. While very young child are not ready for the responsibility that comes with leading, they can provide information to fashion a leadership group.
• Within the adult learning environment, opportunities for skillful participation top the list of priorities
o As adults, we want to know our participation is welcomed, wanted and our skills are useful. This will entice people to want to participate.
• How we define leadership frames how people will participate in it
o This is very true. What does leadership look like? What does it involve? What are the responsibilities? All of these are part of the definition and will determine if or when someone wants to participate.
• Educators yearn to be purposeful, professional human beings, and leadership is an essential aspect of a professional life
o Educators went into teaching to be purposeful. Being professional is a part of every job and as such, we provided an opportunity be a leader in some form or another in every job we have. While this might not be formally recognized, the underlying message is you are a leader.
• Educators are purposeful, and leadership realizes purpose.
o As educators, when teaching a lesson there needs to a purpose for it. Therefore, educators are purposeful people. Leadership has a purpose to it as well – to help develop, present, implement, and invite others to pursue a common goal together.
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